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jazyk ČZ a.s. Praha (Strakonice)
autodíly,turbodmychadla,manipulační technika,desta,slévarna,litina,hliník,strojírna,vysokozdvižné vozíky,řetězy,nástrojárna,nástroje,formy,obráběcí stroje,gastro,kalírna
Department Testing rooms & Laboratories

Department Testing rooms & Laboratories offers mechanical and metallographic testing of materials, analysis of chemical composition of materials and determination of residual contaminants. Department Testing rooms & Laboratories is an independent accredited testing laboratory registered under No. 1285 according to ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025.

Certificate of accreditation:    PDF (CZ) PDF (EN)
Mechanical testing room
  • Tension, bent impact tests, hardness tests
  • Detection of basic mechanical properties of metal materials, parts, semi-finished parts and joints
  • Measuring of depth of thermal and chemical-thermal treated steel layers
  • Technological tests of parts and semi-finished parts
  • Consultancy services in the field of materials and their testing
Metallographic laboratory
  • Evaluation of macrostructure and microstructure of steels, cast irons and non-ferrous metals using the light microscopy according to ČSN and foreign standards
  • Making and preparing of metallographic samples – scratch patterns
  • Evaluation of breaking points of testing bodies and failed parts
  • Detection of material quality and thermal processing of machinery parts, tools, metallurgic products and castings
  • Resolving the issues regarding thermal processing of metal materials, machinery parts and semi-finished parts
  • Realization of laboratory thermal processing
  • Consultancy services in the field of materials, their application and thermal processing
Chemical laboratory
  • Determination of residual particulate contaminants by gravimeter and microscope according to ISO 16232
  • Ascertaining of chemical composition: steel, cast iron, Cu alloys, Al alloys, some elements in ferrous alloys

ČZ a.s., Department Testing rooms & Laboratories
Ing. Jiří Motl
Tovární 202
386 15 Strakonice
Tel.: +420 383 342 315
mob.: +420 602 219 464
Fax: +420 383 343 056

cs en de ru 

autodíly turbodmychadla manipulační technika desta slévarna litina hliník strojírna vysokozdvižné vozíky řetězy nástrojárna nástroje formy obráběcí stroje gastro kalírna rehabilitace autodíly turbodmychadla manipulační technika desta slévarna litina hliník strojírna vysokozdvižné vozíky řetězy nástrojárna nástroje formy obráběcí stroje gastro kalírna rehabilitace